Hard work by accountants are paying off with SME trust skyrocketing

We understand that running a business can be hard work. It is oftentimes lonely, isolating and extremely stressful. Recent years have done nothing to improve business owner’s sense of wellbeing.

Interestingly, it seems as if this compassion has filtered through. Since 2015, there has been an increasing trend of trust in the relationships held between accounting professionals and their clients. 

Business owners generally continue to turn to their colleagues, suppliers or trading partners for advice, however a 22% increase has been noted in those who also turn to their accounting professional for such advice as well. 

Here at YBM pride ourselves in our ability to combine the benefits of forecast modeling, traditional accounting support and guidance and financial advice to bring you all-round business advice to improve your financial wellbeing.

By having a trusted professional that you can turn to for business advice, you can feel supported, heard and perhaps most importantly, no longer alone in your journey of business ownership. 

Accountants and bookkeepers are traditionally known and respected for their work in ensuring that their client’s relationship with the ATO remains healthy and strong, whilst simultaneously reducing the amount of tax that any given business needs to pay. 


Moving forward

Recently, businesses have been turning to their accountants to provide support regarding the many eligibility factors that needed to be met regarding Covid-19 pandemic support packages that have been established by the government. 

As we move forward out of these, we are confident that the relationships that have been strengthened over the past two years can continue to be built upon as we guide our clients into a stage of recovery and growth.

The next few months will be critical as governments begin easing away their support and leaving businesses to fend for themselves in this new environment. 

By relying on our experience and by speaking with us so that we can understand your business and its needs, together we are able to craft a comprehensive and robust path that allows you to confidently work through the next few months and years as a business owner.

The statistics don’t lie. We are committed to providing you with innovative tools and resources designed for your success. At YBM, we want to help you with your business. More and more people are turning to their accountants for financial and business advice and we look forward to working with you.

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